Driving Tips To Make Your Vehicle Last Longer in Caldwell, ID

Tips to Make Your Car Last Longer

Taking care of a car is a big job, and making your vehicle last for the long run is a major accomplishment. Unavoidable issues, however, may arise, like a car accident. Otherwise, by implementing a few good driving habits, you can assist your vehicle in driving off into the sunset with you for many years to come. Use our guide below to find out how to make that possible.

Easy Does It

The biggest adjustment you can make is to take it easy. That looks like smooth acceleration and braking, appropriate speeds, and coasting when possible. Plus, driving at speeds of 65 MPH uses 15% more fuel than driving at 55 MPH. You’ll be doing your engine, transmission, brakes, and powertrain a favor by treating them with care.

Keep it Clean

This goes for all aspects: the exterior, your engine, your air filters, and other areas that your trusted mechanic suggests.

Quick Fixes

If you notice an issue, have it diagnosed and repaired right away. More damage can happen if you let an issue persist. This includes paint chips, engine noises, vibrations, you name it.


Keep your fluids topped off. This lowers the risk of breakdowns, engine damage, warm air blowing instead of AC, etc.

Regular Care

This means regular driving, regular maintenance, and more. If you don’t use your vehicle very often, you should make time to drive it once a week at the very least. This keeps the fluids, electrical components (including windows, sunroofs, etc.), and mechanical components running smoothly. Additionally, regular maintenance is necessary to keep your vehicle in excellent shape for years to come.

Visit Dennis Dillon CDJR

Service and care is a big part of your longevity strategy. Make sure you find a trusted shop in your area. If you’re in Caldwell, ID, make Dennis Dillon CDJR your trusted service center for maintenance. We have trained technicians here to assist you in achieving your goal of having a long-lasting vehicle.

Dennis Dillon Chrysler Jeep 43.640875, -116.654518.